Sometimes, it can be hard to be an open-minded person. As humans, we can become set in our ways, but being open-minded can help us grow as people and even experience new things. In this article, we’ll share 19 signs you’re not as open-minded as you think.
Struggling to Listen to Opposing Opinions

If you tend to zone out when someone is telling you their opinion on a matter, you may not be as open-minded as you think. You may find it difficult to entertain other ideas, and this then causes you to clash with a person.
Your Beliefs Haven’t Changed in Years

You may not be able to recognize that beliefs can evolve with new experiences in life. For example, Very Well Mind writes that you may have “rigid thinking and a refusal to consider other beliefs.” You shouldn’t hold onto ideas because they’re familiar; instead, allow yourself to learn from other people’s beliefs.
Dismissing Things You Don’t Understand

If you find a concept difficult to understand, then you may just shrug it off instead of trying to learn something new. It’s important to give new ideas a fair chance; otherwise, you can’t grow as a person. To be open-minded, you need to be willing to go deeper into aspects of life that you don’t understand.
Rarely Changing Your Routine

HackSpirit writes that you could be close-minded if “you’re pretty content in the routines and rituals of your own life.” It may be common for you to stick to comfortable routines; however, this doesn’t give you the ability to be adaptable. To be more open-minded you should encourage small changes in your everyday routine.
Uncomfortable with Different Cultures

You may resist or feel uneasy with cultural practices that aren’t like your own. Instead of having this feeling of rejection, you should embrace and appreciate diversity, as this shows that you’re open-minded. You can learn so much and feel enriched by other cultures.
Quick to Shut Down Debates

If you’re known to abruptly end discussions because they don’t align with your values, then you may not be open-minded. It’s healthy to engage in debates, as you’re able to hear other people’s opinions. You shouldn’t try to enforce your viewpoints; instead, try to have a conversation where you discuss both sides.
Saying, “That’s Just How I Am”

This phrase is a defense mechanism and shows that you’re against new ideas or different opinions. If you’re trying to be more open-minded, then you should recognize the need for personal growth and learn to adapt. Saying “That’s just how I am” only shows that you’re a close-minded person.
Change Freaks You Out

Bustle writes, “Whether you’re uncomfortable with letting a new person into the group or you can’t stand the idea of moving into a new apartment, it may indicate you’re not as go-with-the-flow as you might believe.” Being open to change can be thrilling, as it allows you to embrace the new.
Dismissing Beliefs and Ideas as Stupid

You may only consider ideas that align with your own and dismiss any that don’t. Just because other people have different beliefs doesn’t make them stupid. Instead, you should try to learn more about them and consider new perspectives, even if they seem unconventional.
Quick to Shut Others Down in Discussions

If the only reason you debate is to win, then you’re doing it wrong. For example, NessLabs writes, “Closed-minded people tend to not leave enough room in the conversation for other people to participate and share their opinions, effectively blocking them.” You should allow everyone to speak and share their views.
You Can’t Handle Feedback

You may have difficulty dealing with criticism and negative feedback. If you want to be open-minded, then it’s important to be open to constructive criticism. You should accept any constructive criticism gratefully, as you know it’s going to help you become a better person.
Saying, “I Might Be Wrong, But…”

You may see this phrase as you believing that you’re being open-minded when actually it just shows that you’re holding on to a personal opinion. If you want to be open-minded, then you need to differentiate between making statements and asking questions. An open-minded person will know when to express their opinion and when to seek further information.
Seeing Disagreement as Threatening

If you’re a close-minded person, then you may hate it when your ideas are challenged. This is supported by LinkedIn, which writes, “Closed-minded people don’t want their ideas challenged. They are typically frustrated that they can’t get the other person to agree with them instead of curious as to why the other person disagrees.”
Lack of Humility

It’s common for close-minded people to lack a deep sense of humility. To become more open-minded, you need to understand that humility comes from accepting failures and mistakes. They approach a situation with a fear of being wrong, and this then leads to humility.
Not Listening to Other People’s Points of View Before Judging

You may find that you judge someone before you’ve even heard their point of view. To become more open-minded, The Wellness Corner advises people to “suspend judgment and avoid forming opinions while the speaker is talking. Listen with an open mind, even if you disagree with their viewpoint.”
You Hold Grudges

If you’re close-minded, then you may not be able to forgive, and this forces you to hold grudges. This has such a negative impact on your life and doesn’t help you become open-minded. Instead, you could try letting go of the past to become more open-minded.
You Can’t Admit When You’re Wrong

To be open-minded, you need to be able to own up to your mistakes. Open-minded people are able to prioritize their truth over being right, as they realize this is more important and allows them to grow. Being able to admit faults is also a sign of emotional intelligence and self-awareness.
Quick to Judge

It’s important to take the time to get to know someone before you judge them. For example, Bolde writes, “A mark of emotional intelligence is recognizing this tendency and shutting it down so that you can judge people on who they are, not what you think of them.”
You’re a Bad Listener

If you want to be open-minded, then you need to improve your listening skills. It’s important to be an active listener so that you don’t zone out of hearing any important information. Don’t just wait for a turn to speak; instead, engage with what others are saying.