20 Clear Indicators That Someone Is Truly Kind-Hearted

Written By Lisa Marley

We want to see the good in everybody, but sometimes, it can be hard to tell if someone is genuinely nice or putting on an act. Being nice goes beyond simply having manners and acting well in public. You can usually separate genuinely nice people from performers by observing these 20 behavioral signs.

They Tell the Truth

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Nobody likes to be lied to, and someone who is genuinely nice won’t do that. But being honest doesn’t mean blurting out every thought you have, especially if it’s unkind; it means telling the truth in order to build trust with others. People who are respectfully honest care about other people’s feelings.

They Compliment Others

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A simple compliment can completely change the trajectory of your day, so it’s no wonder we like people who regularly offer compliments. According to Psychology Today, people who compliment others are generous and feel good about uplifting them. If someone takes a moment out of their day to make you happy, they’re genuinely kind.

They Don’t Expect Recognition

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It’s nice to be recognized for doing a good deed, but people who only do nice things when others are around to see are putting on an act. Somebody who helps a homeless person without broadcasting it is a better and more genuine person than somebody who films the interaction for praise.

They’re Helpful

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When you’re in a tough spot, you realize who you can rely on and who you can’t. Someone who is genuinely nice will do what they can to help you without steamrolling over your wishes. After all, it isn’t help if it’s not actually helping. Truly helpful people are supportive and good-natured.

They Applaud Others

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It’s a strong sign of good character when someone is genuinely happy to applaud other people’s success without showing jealousy. Of course, it’s normal to be envious when others get something you want, but being a sore loser is in bad form. Genuinely nice people allow others to have their moment and cheer them on.

They’re Generous

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You don’t need to be rich to be generous. In fact, it’s often a more genuine sign of kindness when somebody is generous with their time instead of showering others with material gifts. Listening to a friend vent, helping a neighbor carry groceries, and cooking someone a meal are all signs of genuine generosity.

They’re Respectful

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Respect is one of the foundations of a healthy relationship, so long as it’s mutual. If someone acts like your friend but constantly disrespects you, they aren’t really your friend. Genuinely nice people show respect through their words and actions and always prioritize other people’s feelings.

They Don’t Speak Down to People

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Being constantly spoken down to shatters your confidence, so you’ll naturally gravitate towards people who don’t do that. Verywell Mind cites name-calling, belittling comments, sarcasm, and interrupting as examples of condescending behavior. Conversing with someone who does none of those things is much more pleasant because they genuinely care about you.

They’re Confident, Not Cocky

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Confidence is good, but arrogance is not. Everyone is proud of their own achievements, but people who brag, loudly declare their opinions or attempt to intimidate others take things too far. People who can carry themselves with confidence and class are the exact opposite, and people admire their lack of cockiness.

They’re Not Harsh

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Sometimes, people want to hear home truths, but delivering them kindly is the nicest thing to do. People who claim to be ‘brutally honest’ are often overly harsh and share their thoughts to upset others or make themselves feel superior. People who share things with you without verbally attacking you are much more thoughtful.

They’re Patient

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Patience is a virtue, and it’s also a definite sign that someone is genuinely nice. We all get frustrated sometimes, but being patient means being kind and considerate of others. If someone is willing to let you take the lead without making demands or rushing you, they’re showing that they trust and respect you.

They Stop People Being Left Out

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There’s nothing as isolating as being left out of social or professional situations, so it means a lot when someone makes an effort to include you. It’s a sign that they’re aware of those around them and care about how they feel. This small effort goes a long way and makes you naturally respect them.

They Don’t Mind Being Vulnerable

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People, especially men, are frequently mocked for showing vulnerability, but it’s actually very admirable. Psych Central teaches that showing vulnerability means being emotionally intelligent and fostering connections with others. If someone doesn’t mind being completely open with you, they’re genuine and have nothing to hide.

They Don’t Spread Rumors

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Rumors and gossip are rife in friendship groups, families, and the workplace, but not everybody enjoys talking about others behind their backs. People who don’t spread rumors about others have integrity and don’t take pleasure in doing unkind things. Refusing to spread rumors speaks to their kind character.

They Can Read a Room

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We’re all guilty of being ignorant at times, but somebody who can read a room demonstrates much more kindness and self-awareness. They can pick up on small cues from how others speak or act and avoid making them uncomfortable. As a result, people feel safer around them and trust them more.

They Always Make an Effort

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Genuinely nice people know how to make others feel good. They understand that something as small as making an effort to call a friend and invite them out can completely uplift their mood. They’re happy to do things like this because they pride themselves on having genuine connections with people.

They Own Their Mistakes

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It’s difficult to admit you were wrong, but that makes it all the more admirable. Forbes reports that people who own their mistakes typically earn respect from others, build trust, and lead by example. They don’t mind admitting fault, especially if it proves someone else right, because they’re genuinely nice, not self-obsessed.

They Make People Smile

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It takes much less effort to make someone smile than to cry, but unfortunately, many people still prefer to be cruel. That’s why people who go out of their way to make others smile for no reason at all are much more genuinely nice and highly regarded by their peers.

They Have Kind Eyes

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We often hear nice people described as having ‘kind eyes’, but what do these look like? People with kind eyes usually have a soft gaze; they don’t glare or scrutinize you. They typically have a gentle expression on their face, too. When you make eye contact with them, you feel comfortable.

They Have a Good Reputation

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We usually make up our minds about someone in the first few seconds of meeting them, so reputation is everything. If everyone else speaks highly about someone, praises their character, and declares that they’re a good person, there’s a high chance they’re genuinely nice and let their behavior speak for itself.

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Photo Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock

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