Respect is key to being valued by peers or superiors and must be earned over time. However, some actions can quickly make you lose respect, even among those who barely know you. Be cautious of these 18 things that will lead you to lose people’s respect.
Constantly Interrupting Others

Talking over others and disregarding what they are saying is rude. Don’t interrupt even when you think they are wrong or you feel what you have to say might have more value. Melody Wilding recommends waiting for a pause or politely requesting to contribute to a discussion if you have something urgent to share.
Neglecting Personal Hygiene

Good personal hygiene is not only healthy but also makes everyone comfortable. Poor hygiene is off-putting and unprofessional. Small details like dirty shoes, unironed clothes, or dirty nails show a lack of self-care. If it’s so bad that you smell, it makes it difficult to be around you.
Being Unreliable

If people can’t count on you, they’re less likely to respect you. Unreliable behavior reflects a lack of commitment. If you say you will do something, keep your word and deliver otherwise, it breaks people’s trust in you. This could affect your relationships both personally and professionally.
Speaking Without Thinking

What you say matters a lot. It gives people an impression of who you are, what you think, and your capabilities. Consider carefully what you say because thoughtless words may damage your reputation. Pause in situations of heightened emotions to avoid saying anything you might regret.
Acting Entitled

Entitlement means expecting special treatment without earning it. Acting entitled shows a lack of gratitude and makes you seem selfish. People don’t like being around someone who thinks they deserve more than others. It creates conflict and resentment. Be humble and appreciate what you get.
Being Disrespectful to Service Workers

How you treat service workers reflects your character. Being rude to them shows arrogance and a lack of empathy. People notice if you’re disrespectful to those in lower positions, and it leaves a negative impression. Treating everyone with kindness, regardless of their job, demonstrates good character and earns you respect.
Being Chronically Late

Timekeeping is challenging for a lot of people but no matter your reasons, being late consistently makes you look irresponsible. FasterCapital says punctuality is a sign of reliability and professionalism. When you’re never on time for meetings, it inconveniences people and causes frustration.
Ignoring Boundaries

Observing other people’s personal space and boundaries is important. Everyone has a right to their privacy and choose what makes them comfortable. Don’t push for something or ignore the limits another individual sets just because you don’t understand them. Certain people are huggers to everyone they meet, and others don’t even like handshakes.
Overpromising and Underdelivering

Making promises you can’t keep disappoints and upsets others. It’s better to set realistic goals and meet them than to overpromise and underdeliver. This behavior shows poor judgment and planning. By being honest about what you’re able to achieve, you build trust and credibility with those around you.
Showing Off

Constant bragging is annoying and off-putting to most people. Showing off is not only with words but actions as well. Be appropriate with the things you possess because it can also send a bad message. People may see you as arrogant or insecure if you always need to show off.
Failing to Apologize

A sincere apology goes a long way in resolving conflicts and maintaining respect. Admitting mistakes and showing remorse earns you more admiration in the eyes of others. It also shows maturity and accountability. Refusing to apologize makes you seem stubborn and unempathetic.
Not Listening

Effective communication relies on good listening. It keeps the conversation going with both parties providing valuable opinions. Paying attention when others speak shows you care about their views and helps create positive relationships. You also learn a lot from what others say than when you always dominate the discussion.
Not Admitting Mistakes

Nobody is always right and refusing to admit when you make mistakes is a sign of arrogance. says accepting your wrongs enables you to see your shortcomings and learn from them. On the other hand, failure to do so makes you appear untrustworthy.
Being Judgmental

Quickly judging others can be unfair and hurtful. It’s important to try to understand different perspectives. Being open-minded shows empathy and respect. Avoiding snap judgments helps create a more inclusive and accepting environment, which in turn earns you respect from others.
Gossiping About Others

According to the Harvard Business Review, 96% of people say they engage in workplace gossip. It can be about matters related to work or other colleagues’ personal lives. Talking about others reflects badly on you, and people may avoid you due to fear you’ll talk behind their backs, too.
Taking Credit for Others’ Work

Acknowledging others’ contributions shows integrity and fosters a positive work environment. People respect those who give credit where it’s due. Sharing recognition builds strong, collaborative relationships and shows others that you’re a team player.
Being Negative

People may start to avoid you if you’re always finding something to dislike or complain about. Things might not go perfectly every time, but you should have a good attitude. Discuss solutions instead of pointing out the bad things.
Not Keeping Secrets

It’s not your place to share anyone’s secret. Whether you mistakenly got to know it or somebody trusted you with their information, keep it to yourself. Sharing private information damages relationships. Trust relies on confidentiality and discretion, and people need to know they can confide in you without worry.
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