Some people can go about their day with good intentions and be rude without even realizing it. You might have daily habits that you think are fine, but others think otherwise. Here are 17 daily mistakes that can make you seem rude.
Interrupting Conversations

Psychology Today reports, “Consciously or not, most people feel disrespected when not allowed to finish what they’re saying.” Interrupting conversations is an immediate red flag that someone is rude. It shows that they’re disrespectful and don’t have an interest in what another person has to say. It’s always best to actively listen and wait for your turn to speak.
Using Your Phone During Face-to-Face Interactions

Many people, especially the younger generations, do this on a daily basis. They may not intentionally mean to be rude, but that’s how they come across. When you do this to someone, you make them feel undervalued and that your phone is more important.
Failing to Say “Please” and “Thank You”

These are the basics that people should say all day long. Unfortunately, many people struggle to say a simple ‘please’ or ‘thank you.’ This can immediately come across as rude, as many people value being polite and feel that manners cost nothing.
Avoiding Eye Contact

Some people avoid making eye contact with others when they’re communicating. Sometimes, this can be because they’re shy or nervous, but what they don’t realize is that others may perceive them as rude. It’s always best to look someone in the eye so the interaction feels genuine.
Talking Too Loudly

Nobody wants to communicate with someone who speaks too loudly. It can make you come across as aggressive and make the other person and other people in the environment feel uncomfortable. You should always be mindful of your volume to make sure you don’t upset others.
Ignoring Personal Space

When someone invades your personal space, you can feel extremely uncomfortable. If they continue to do so, they will come across as rude, and you should have the confidence to voice your issues. Everyone should feel comfortable during interactions and not feel like their boundaries have been compromised.

If you’re someone who likes to gossip every now and then, believing it does no harm, then you’re wrong. This is rude, and people can actually think less of you for it. For example, according to Reader’s Digest, if you often talk badly about people, then it’s going to affect your reputation and make people stop trusting you.
Being Late

You may be a few minutes late to work or when attending a social event and think it’s fine, but it’s actually rude. It shows you lack respect for other people’s time, as you have no issue keeping them waiting, and it can also disrupt their own schedules.
Multitasking During Conversations

If you tend to multitask during conversation, then you’re likely to come across as rude. By multitasking, you’re not giving the person you’re interacting with your full attention. This can show that you’re too busy and don’t really care for what they have to say.
Not Apologizing When You’re Wrong

Many people struggle to say sorry when they’re wrong. Not taking accountability for your actions comes across as rude. This can actually damage relationships further, as people struggle to view you as a reliable person. Apologizing when you’re wrong shows maturity and can help mend a relationship.
Using Speakerphone in Public

There’s arguably nothing worse than being in public and someone using their speaker phone. This is extremely rude, as they’re disturbing other people, and nobody wants to hear the conversation. This is backed up by Chron, who reports, “Because a telephone call is a private communication, speakerphones shouldn’t be used unless you can secure the conversation.”
Not Acknowledging Service Workers

Unfortunately, many service workers don’t receive the same respect that they give their customers. On a daily basis, they have to deal with rude customers in many ways. Some people struggle to acknowledge them with a simple ‘hello’ or ‘thank you’, and others can be extremely dismissive and talk down to them.
Bringing Smelly Food to Shared Spaces

If you enjoy eating smelly food, avoid sharing spaces. Doing so shows an extreme disregard for other people. Food odors can spread quickly and make other people feel uncomfortable, especially if it’s food they don’t enjoy.
Offering Unsolicited Advice

People who offer advice and try to help others can actually come across as rude. If the person hasn’t asked for your advice, then this can make them feel uncomfortable. To some, it can imply that you think you know better than them. So it’s best to only offer advice when it’s asked for.
Not Introducing People in Group Settings

If you bring a friend to a new group setting and fail to introduce them, they may feel excluded. It can be hard for them to interact with a number of people they don’t know, and a simple introduction can help create connections.
Failing to Respect Differences

People who fail to respect that others have different opinions are rude. They come across to many as arrogant, and like they know everything. You should always accept that people can have other views and be polite enough to listen to them, as this shows respect.
Not Cleaning Up After Yourself

Meta Media reports, “Leaving clutter on purpose is rude and disrespectful. It is not funny. It is just annoying.” Some people have no consideration for others and will not bother cleaning up after themselves. Whether this is in a working environment, around someone else’s house, or in a public space, this is always rude.
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