18 Friends You Should Say Goodbye to Before Turning 30

Written By Lisa Marley

As you approach 30, it’s likely that you don’t have the same friendships you had when you were younger, so nearing this age milestone is an opportunity to reflect on the people in your life. Here are 18 friends you might want to consider saying goodbye to before the big 3-0.

Negative Nancies

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A constantly negative friend will always bring down your mood with their neverending complaints, and they’re never optimistic about life, offering their friends little encouragement or support. A friend who only drags you down is not a friend you need!

Drama Queens

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Known as a ‘drama queen,’ this person will constantly bring chaos into your life. They might persistently talk about others behind their backs or even seek out tension and conflict for their own entertainment. They’ll constantly blow their own problems out of proportion, bringing unnecessary drama into your life.

Fair-Weather Friend

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Fair-weather friends are those you only see when everything is running smoothly. Friendships should last through troubled times, but these friends will disappear when you’re struggling. As Psychology Today outlines, it’s not your fault if your friends don’t have time for you when times get hard, so just say goodbye.

Energy Vampires

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Energy vampires are #friends’ who will always leave you feeling drained after you interact with them. This is usually due to their negativity, though it might simply be because they selfishly consume too much of your energy. Either way, if you’re nearing 30, you really don’t need these people in your life!

Bad Influences

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Toxic people should never be a part of your life, and bad influences can be the worst kind. This type of friend will completely disregard your well-being while simultaneously leading you down a destructive path, encouraging unhealthy behavior and poor decisions and using peer pressure on you. It’s all very childish.

The Flake

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The flake friend is one who always cancels plans, usually at the last minute. You just can’t depend on them for anything, and they’ll always make excuses for when they’ve let you down. Disrespecting your time and efforts in this way will lead to a friendship breakdown anyway, so just cut them off.

One-Way Streets

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If someone is a ‘one-way street,’ they exclusively talk about themselves. The New York Times explains that a key part of friendship is intimacy and the give-and-take needed to create that. Sadly, one-way street friends will never show any interest in your life, so do you really want them around you?

Jealous Competitors

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Some friends are so jealous that they feel threatened by your success; sadly, this means they don’t actually see you as a friend but as a competitor. They will always compare themselves to you and look to undermine your achievements, so they’re a complete buzz-kill.

Master Manipulators

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True friends should never seek to manipulate you, but master manipulators will happily guilt trip you or influence you to get their way. They seek to control what you do and how you think, sometimes going to the extreme of emotional abuse, such as gaslighting. Yikes!

Friends Who Use You

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Have you noticed a particular friend only ever reaches out when they need something from you? If so, it sounds like they’re using you. This kind of friend will exploit you for your kind heart, only ever taking advantage of your kindness without reciprocating. Say goodbye to them before you turn 30!

Boundary Violators

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Psych Central explains that if your friend does the opposite of what you asked of them, ignoring you when you say “no” or mocking your personal requests, then they’re violating your boundaries. Anyone who persistently disrespects your boundaries shouldn’t be in your life; that much should be obvious!


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Any friend who enjoys gossiping is problematic not only because they thrive on other people’s secrets but also because they’ll happily betray yours, too! This type of person will only create drama within your social circle, so you’ll always have to worry about the secrets they’re spreading about you.

The Underminer

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If someone constantly undermines you, can you really call them a friend? They will consistently dismiss your hopes and dreams as unrealistic because of their own insecurities. They’re never going to want the best for you, so rid them of your life!

Judgmental Critics

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If you can’t say, do, or think anything without your friend offering a harsh critique, then this judgemental friend is one you should bid farewell to. They’ll often give unwanted advice, disagree with anything you do, and eventually make you feel insecure.

The Ghost

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Ghosting is not just a problem in romantic relationships; it’s also, sadly, common in friendships. A ghost friend might disappear for long periods of time without contacting you, ignoring all messages and leaving you wondering what you did wrong. If this doesn’t feel great, it might be time to cut ties.

Emotionally Unavailable Friends

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Friendships depend on emotional intimacy to create a bond and solid foundation, so if you have a friend who is forever detached and distant when you need them most, it’s time to reconsider that friendship. To be fair, not everyone is good at understanding emotions, but even they will hear you out!

Party Animals

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You may have considered party animal friends to be the coolest when you were 18, but you’ve probably grown out of partying. They didn’t. They’re only interested in having fun and fleeting pleasures, offering nothing in terms of meaningful conversations or a worthwhile connection.

Control Freaks

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Finally, control freak friends deserve a farewell from your life before turning 30. According to Healthline, controlling behaviors include trying to change you and constantly criticizing you. They’ll also dictate how you should live your life, resulting in them using manipulative or even abusive tactics to try and control situations. They’re just not fun to be around!