To be intelligent is to possess the ability to learn and use knowledge. But genius-level intelligence is different. In addition to being extremely intelligent, a genius is gifted with extraordinary creativity and inventiveness, as shown in these 17 examples of habits that indicate someone is a genius.
They’re a night owl

People with high intelligence are often more nocturnal, finding that the quiet of the night helps stimulate their creative minds. Although they do typically wake up later than others, they still manage to get a lot done. They simply finish tasks later in the evenings, reaching their zenith at about nine o’clock.
Messy and chaotic

They say that cleanliness is next to Godliness, but apparently, messiness is next to creativity and cleverness. If a person struggles to keep their living and work areas tidy, it’s probably because their mind is working overtime and they don’t have space to think about cleaning up.

According to Science Alert, “the size of your vocabulary of swear words is linked with your overall vocabulary”. An articulate speaker can use cursing as a linguistic device, as well as regular words, to convey what they want to say and the emotion behind it as effectively as possible.

Smart people tend to concentrate on abstract thought and problem-solving, which may cause them to forget small things. It’s also possible that our brains are programmed to forget unimportant things, making room for information that we need. Eliminating irrelevant details can help us focus on the more important information, improving cognitive function and decision-making.
Talking to themselves

We’ve all heard it said that talking to yourself is the first sign of madness. But one habit of intelligent people is to yammer away to themselves when they are alone. Talking to themselves helps them to simplify their thoughts, as people can process ideas more easily and quickly by saying them out loud.

Geniuses often don’t follow social norms, making them open to new ideas. Their honesty comes from their nonconformity. Someone who doesn’t conform without even thinking about it is genuinely themselves in all aspects of life.
Risk-taking behavior

We’re not talking skydiving or bungee jumping here, but very smart people tend to be risk-takers who take calculated chances to achieve breakthroughs or discover new territories. Think of the risks that inventors and explorers of the past took. Taking these risks is often a learning process, with each risk providing valuable lessons regardless of the outcome.
Always Curios

Just like Alice in Wonderland, intelligent people have an insatiable curiosity. They love to learn new things, and they soak up information, according to the Daily Mail. A genius may have a normal job, but they will be knowledgeable about a million other things besides that job because there is no end to their curiosity.
They adapt well

Normal people of average intelligence might break under pressure, but a genius will bend. They adjust to the shifting circumstances of life and change as needed. They can easily adapt to new information or quickly change strategies when necessary, and their adaptability leads to innovative solutions and approaches that challenge conventional thinking.
They like their own company

Smart people usually get ideas and feel refreshed when alone. They can think deeply and come up with new concepts in peace. Being alone with their thoughts helps them be creative and solve problems.

A genius is typically driven by an internal motivation to explore, create, and understand rather than by external rewards. This makes them keep going even when things get tough, while others might quit out of frustration.

Smart people might avoid others because they find them too simple-minded and frustrating, which some mistake for shyness. According to CNBC, “statistics show that around 70% of gifted people are introverts”.

People whose minds are constantly working overtime must live in a state of existential dread. Life is meaningless; death comes to us all. What’s the point of breathing? Thankfully, most of us don’t need to worry about that; we just continue about our humdrum lives. However, for smart people, anxiety may be exacerbated by their oversensitivity and overthinking.
Thinking outside the box

We’ve all been told this in situations where we need to solve problems. To think outside the box is to be creative in ways that people have never been before. If the inventor of the wheel kept thinking inside the box like everyone else, we would all still be walking everywhere.
Reading a lot

Reading allows one to discover new ideas, get fresh perspectives, and learn about a wide range of topics. That’s why a genius will often have their nose buried in a book, motivated to read by their curiosity and thirst for knowledge. They are continually seeking new and interesting topics they can learn about.
Experimenting for fun

Geniuses often engage in playful experimentation, trying out all sorts of new things without caring if they fail or succeed. They’re doing it to learn. Whether an experiment is successful or not, it always leads to a better understanding of the subjects they are studying.
Writing or journaling

Lots of very intelligent people develop the habit of journaling or writing to record their ideas and observations, as this can help them explore thoughts. Writing every day helps them reflect on their experiences and what they have learned, and according to Hack Spirit there is a “strong correlation between writing ability, grammatical competence, and verbal-linguistic intelligence”.
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