For many people, hygiene is only about taking baths, brushing their teeth, and wearing clean clothes daily. However, for a truly clean and healthy lifestyle, it goes way beyond these. There are many crucial hygiene rules we ignore daily, and here are some of the most helpful of them.
Washing Hands Correctly

Your hands probably harbor up to 10 million individual organisms, so you can imagine how unsafe they can be when not cleaned properly. Mayo Clinic shares that to keep your hands clean, scrub with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before eating and after entering public spaces, visiting the sick, or using the toilet.
Using Separate Cutting Boards

Many people don’t know that using the same board for everything in the kitchen, whether it be raw meat or fruits, puts them at risk of cross-contaminating bacteria like E. coli. This is even worse when you use wooden boards, as they’re known to harbor even more illness-causing bacteria. Of course, simply using separate boards reduces these risks significantly.
Changing Toothbrush Regularly

When last did you replace your toothbrush? If your answer goes beyond three months ago, then you aren’t really doing the best for your oral hygiene. Using toothbrushes with weakened bristles builds up plaque and germs in your mouth, putting yourself at risk of dental issues like cavities and gingivitis.
Regularly Cleaning Cell Phones

Cell phones are high-touch objects that encounter numerous surfaces and are never washed, making them hotbeds for pathogens. In fact, they contain ten times more germs than your toilet seat. So, to avoid transmitting bacteria that cause acne and other skin problems, as well as more serious health risks, frequently wipe down your devices with appropriate sanitizers.
Properly Washing Produce

Ensuring that fruits and vegetables are thoroughly washed under running water is a fundamental hygiene practice to eliminate pesticides and bacteria. Insufficient washing can leave residues that cause food poisoning. The simple act of properly cleaning produce can significantly reduce the health risks associated with pesticide ingestion and microbial infections.
Disinfecting Bathroom Regularly

The bathroom, a hub of germ activity, requires frequent disinfection to maintain a sanitary environment. Neglecting regular cleaning of toilets, sinks, and showers can lead to the proliferation of germs like Staphylococcus and E. coli on these surfaces, and this can potentially cause skin irritations and more serious infections.
Keeping Nails Trimmed and Clean

Dirt and bacteria easily accumulate under long nails, becoming a vector for disease transmission. So, it’s no surprise that by regularly maintaining short, clean nails, you reduce the risk of spreading common infections, such as colds and flu, and also improve overall personal hygiene and appearance.
Handling Contact Lenses With Clean Hands

For those who wear contact lenses, improper handling can introduce bacteria to them, and this can lead to serious eye infections like conjunctivitis. You should always wash your hands thoroughly before touching lenses, as this is a vital practice that protects against potentially vision-threatening conditions.
Covering Mouth and Nose When Sneezing or Coughing

To block the spread of germs, it’s also important to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow when sneezing or coughing. When you fail to do so, you put everyone around you at risk of air-borne illnesses such as the common cold and flu—you make yourself a risk to community health in both public and private spaces.
Not Over-Wearing Workout Clothes

Sporting fresh workout clothes for each exercise session prevents skin infections and odors caused by bacteria thriving in sweaty fabrics. Re-wearing unwashed workout gear, on the other hand, can lead to fungal infections like athlete’s foot and jock itch, as well as more severe bacterial salmonella and Klebsiella infections.
Cleaning Makeup Brushes

Makeup brushes that are not regularly cleaned can spread dirt and bacteria, and eventually, you find yourself dealing with clogged pores and acne outbreaks ‘out of the blue.’ A simple weekly cleaning can prevent these issues, preserving both skin health and the quality of the makeup brushes.
Washing Bed Linens Regularly

Sleeping in clean sheets not only feels great but also prevents health issues. Bed linens can harbor dust mites, allergens, and bacteria, which can cause skin breakouts, exacerbate allergies, and impact sleep quality. Washing them weekly in hot water ensures a clean, healthy sleeping environment.
Not Sharing Personal Items

Items like towels, razors, or earbuds should not be shared. Personal items like these can easily become contaminated with microbes, and sharing them puts everyone at risk of cross-contaminating conditions like minor skin rashes and more serious infections like hepatitis.
Disposing of Expired Selfcare Products

When you keep and use skincare, makeup, and sunscreen products beyond their expiration dates, you equally put yourself at risk of severe skin irritation and infections. By regularly purging expired products, you ensure that only effective and safe items are used, reducing the risk of adverse reactions.
Showering After Swimming

A quick rinse after swimming in pools or natural bodies of water removes chlorine and bacteria, which can adhere to the skin from the pool and cause irritations and infections. This habit is particularly crucial in communal swimming areas to prevent the spread of conditions like swimmer’s itch and other waterborne diseases.
Wearing Fresh Clothes Daily

Fresh clothing is essential for good personal hygiene. On the other hand, re-wearing clothes without washing, especially undergarments can lead to body odor, skin infections, and a general feeling of uncleanliness. By wearing only clean attire every day, you assure yourself of a healthy, hygienic lifestyle.
Emptying Trash Bins Regularly

Also, when you keep trash bins emptied and cleaned, you prevent the buildup of bacteria and odors in the home. You also save yourself from invasions by racoons, stray cats, and rodents, which pose additional health risks. Simply put, emptying trash cans goes beyond just giving yourself a visually pleasant living environment.
Ventilating Rooms

Allowing fresh air into indoor spaces reduces pollutant levels in the air and gets rid of moisture, which gives mold and mildew the perfect environment to grow. Overall, effective ventilation is crucial for maintaining good indoor air quality, which directly impacts respiratory health and overall well-being.
Wearing Shoes in Public Showers

Despite how unfamiliar this may be to you, know that you can protect your feet against plantar warts and fungal infections by using appropriate footwear guards in public showers. These infections are easily contracted in warm, moist environments where bacteria thrive, and this makes items like flip-flops or shower shoes essential in gyms and public pools.
Washing Hands After Handling Money

One thing you probably miss all the time is how dirty money can be—carrying viruses and bacteria since it’s frequently exchanged and rarely sanitized. Washing hands after handling cash is a simple yet effective way to reduce the risk of acquiring and spreading germs, particularly during flu season.
Cleaning Pet Items

When it comes to items used by pets, cleaning them regularly doesn’t just help keep them healthy; it also prevents the spread of pet-borne diseases to humans. Keeping pet beds, bowls, and toys clean is as crucial as your personal hygiene, as it helps to ensure that pets and their environments do not become sources of illness.
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