18 Outdated Boomer Phrases We Need to Retire Right Now

Written By Lisa Marley

Language changes over time, and some phrases that were once popular are now outdated. It’s time to give these old sayings a rest and find new ways to express ourselves. Here are 18 outdated boomer phrases we need to retire in order to keep our conversations fresh and relevant.

“Back in My Day”

Photo credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

When people say “back in my day,” it can come across as dismissive or nostalgic in a really unhelpful way. Times change, and comparing the past to the present can feel like you do not appreciate the improvements and advancements we’ve made; let’s focus on the present and future, embracing new ideas and changes.

“Ladies First”

Photo Credit: Dmytrenko Vlad/Shutterstock

While “ladies first” may seem polite, it can reinforce outdated gender roles. True equality means treating everyone with respect. Vogue suggests using this phrase respectfully and not in a way that implies that women are weaker than men. Small changes in how we speak and act can promote gender equality.

“That’s the Way We’ve Always Done It”

Photo Credit: NaruFoto/Shutterstock

Saying, “That’s the way we’ve always done it,” can stifle growth. Just because something worked in the past doesn’t mean it’s the best way forward now. It’s important to be open to new methods and ideas, and embracing change can lead to better outcomes in many areas of life.

“Young People These Days”

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Complaining about “young people these days” can create a divide between generations. Each generation has its own challenges and strengths. Instead of focusing on differences, we should try to understand, respect, and appreciate what younger generations bring to the table.

“You’ll Understand When You’re Older”

Photo Credit: bbernard/Shutterstock

Telling someone, “You’ll understand when you’re older,” can be very dismissive. It gives the impression that their current viewpoint is invalid simply because of their age. People of all ages can have valuable insights and experiences and instead of dismissing someone’s view, try to explain things in a way they can understand.

“Pull Yourself Up by Your Bootstraps”

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

HuffPost states that this phrase is about self-reliance, suggesting that anyone can succeed through hard work alone. However, it doesn’t acknowledge the fact that everyone has different circumstances and not everyone has the same opportunities or resources. Encouraging people to work hard is great, but support is crucial for success.

“It’s Not Rocket Science”

Photo Credit: Elnur/Shutterstock

Using “it’s not rocket science” to describe something simple can sound super condescending. Not everyone finds the same tasks easy, and this phrase can make people feel like they aren’t good enough. Instead of belittling someone, try offering help and encouragement; support can go a long way in helping others learn and grow.

“When I Was Your Age”

Photo Credit: Hananeko_Studio/Shutterstock

The phrase “when I was your age” often leads to unjust or irrelevant comparisons. Times change, and so do circumstances. What was true or possible in the past might not be the same today. Rather than comparing experiences, it’s more productive to listen to and understand the current challenges and opportunities people face.

“Kids These Days Don’t Know the Value of Hard Work”

Photo Credit: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock

Saying “kids these days don’t know the value of hard work” overlooks the fact that hard work looks different for each generation. Young people today face unique challenges and work hard in ways that older generations would not understand. Appreciating and acknowledging the different forms of hard work can help with mutual respect.

“Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees”

Photo Credit: Poppy Pix/Shutterstock

The phrase “money doesn’t grow on trees” is often used to teach financial responsibility, but it can feel outdated and patronizingly obvious. There are more effective ways to discuss money with others, such as talking about budgeting, saving, and investing.

“You Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks”

Photo Credit: DenisProduction.com/Shutterstock

Saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” implies that older people can’t learn new things, which simply isn’t true. People can learn and adapt at any age, so encouraging lifelong learning and being open to new experiences can help everyone stay engaged and mentally active throughout their lives.

“You Sound Like a Broken Record”

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Baby Boomer Bliss says that comparing someone to a broken record refers to when they repeat themselves over and over, but this phrase can come off as dismissive. It’s better to address the issue directly and realize that if someone keeps bringing up the same point, it might mean it’s important to them.

“Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover”

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While the message behind “Don’t judge a book by its cover” is important, the phrase itself feels dated. We can encourage open-mindedness and encourage others to get to know people after their first impressions. This makes people feel valued for who they really are.

“Stick to Your Guns”

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Telling someone to “stick to their guns” can encourage stubbornness rather than open-mindedness. While it’s important to stand by one’s principles, being flexible and willing to consider new information is also crucial and encourages thoughtful consideration; this can lead to better decisions and choices.

“Let Sleeping Dogs Lie”

Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

The phrase “let sleeping dogs lie” suggests avoiding problems rather than being upfront and addressing them, which isn’t always the best approach. Ignoring issues can lead to bigger problems down the road, so it’s better to deal with challenges head-on and find real solutions.

“In My Day, We Didn’t Have…”

Photo Credit: LightField Studios/Shutterstock

Comparing today’s conveniences to the past with “in my day, we didn’t have…” can seem to indicate an unwillingness to accept modern advancements. Every generation has its own tools and technologies that make life easier, so instead of focusing on what wasn’t available before, we can appreciate the innovations that improve our lives today.

“Boys Will Be Boys”

Photo Credit: Iryna Inshyna/Shutterstock

The phrase “boys will be boys” excuses bad behavior, often in young men, by blaming it purely on gender and not behavior, warns Power To Fly. It’s important to hold everyone accountable for their actions, regardless of gender. We should encourage all individuals to be their best selves and treat others with respect.

“Better Safe Than Sorry”

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

While “better safe than sorry” has its place, it can sometimes discourage trying new things. Life involves balancing caution with a bit of adventure. Taking calculated risks and embracing a mindset that balances safety with exploration can enrich our lives.

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