In the modern-day world in which we live, it can sometimes be hard to know when someone is being themselves or if they’re just wearing a mask to deceive us. In this article, we will cover 18 signs that someone is being 100% themselves around you.

Whilst someone might be able to fake consistency over a short period of time, it becomes more difficult as time passes. Someone who is consistent over time shows that they are stable and sincere and not just faking it.

Empathy is being able to put yourself in others’ shoes and feel what they feel. Believe In Mind says that it isn’t easy to fake. If somebody is unable to empathize with those around them, then it shows that they aren’t a very caring person.

The way in which someone treats you, regardless of any differences that you may have, speaks volumes about who they are. If they are able to treat everyone the same regardless of their respective backgrounds, then they’re a person to keep in your life.

A person who is willing to accept when they’ve done something wrong and work towards a way to fix it is definitely a person who is being their true self. It takes a person with a lot of integrity and character to be responsible.

One thing that is particularly hard to hide is how open-minded you are. This is because your open-mindedness is directly linked to your ideals and values. If someone is genuinely open to new people and new experiences, then you can tell that they’re genuine.

This one takes a bit longer to spot as it may not be obvious at first if a person is lying to you. A person who continually lies to you or is purposefully difficult when it comes to conversation is showing you who they really are. Hack Spirit confirms that a genuine person is a naturally honest person.

Being generous doesn’t just mean spreading money around; it also means being generous with one’s resources without expecting anything back in return. It’s a show of compassion and empathy through hard-to-fake acts.

Integrity is staying true to your values, even when there is no one watching you, and it’s not something for the weak. It takes honesty and a steadfast commitment to a person’s ideals and faith. A person who is faking a part of their identity would not be able to compromise on this.

Being humble means knowing your limits and flaws and being able to handle feedback, without getting defensive, in order to grow as a person. A fake person will find it difficult to show weakness, according to Expert Editor.

When someone isn’t pretending to be someone that they aren’t, then they are being authentic. It takes a lot of courage to be oneself, especially in the modern-day world when people are in competition 24/7. If you find a truly authentic person, don’t let them go.

A person who is able to recognize what they’ve got in their lives at any given moment is a person you want in yours. Grateful individuals are not only affectionate but also emit a positive vibe that attracts more good things into their lives.

A self-aware person will always be a person who is being their true self. They are able to recognize and understand their own thoughts, feelings, and behavior – and never tend to hide behind excuses.

If someone is not able to adapt to changing situations and environments with flexibility, it’s likely because they are trying to prove that they’re someone else. Being adaptable means that they can act on what they think is right, regardless of the ramifications.

If you have ever seen someone trying to maintain their patience, then you’re sure to understand that it’s difficult to fake patience if it doesn’t come naturally to you. A person who maintains their calm in testing situations is a person who’s being real.

Sometimes, it isn’t easy to find the good in a bad situation, which makes it a very hard trait to imitate and fake. Maintaining a positive attitude in the face of a difficult situation takes a lot of hopefulness and resilience.

A constant thirst for knowledge or the willpower to always want to find out what happened is a not-so-common trait. Someone who is openly curious and active in finding out more about things is a person who’s being their true self.

Forgiveness is the act of letting go of a feeling that is actually doing more harm to you than to anyone else, and it takes a very big person to do so, says Your Tango. A person who is feigning the ability to be able to forgive will show obvious signs that they’re not being genuine.

Putting another person’s needs before your own is no easy feat. It requires a naturally generous person who is able to show compassion and empathy to those in need. A person who isn’t naturally selfless will have trouble trying to appear selfless.
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