Most people are not very self-aware, and many selfish people don’t even know that they are selfish. This begs the question–are you selfish? Am I? Let’s look at these 17 signs to find out if we are more selfish than we think.
Putting yourself first

Self-centered people will constantly prioritize themselves, no matter who they have to put last. According to Psych Central, they typically act selfishly and don’t think about the people they might harm. You might be selfish if you find it difficult to compromise and are unwilling to look at different options to meet the needs of others

Are you a team player? Selfish people aren’t–unless it directly benefits them, they are not team players and dislike working with others, sharing, or lending a hand in a group setting. They don’t want to share anything. Even if it could benefit other people, they would rather keep things to themselves.
Big ego

According to CNBC, selfish people frequently believe they are better than everyone else. They also often attempt to minimize others’ efforts by downplaying their contributions. If you have an inclination towards selfish behavior, you may find yourself exaggerating your contributions and putting others down to make yourself feel more important.
Using others

Do you give in your relationships, or is it all take from your side? A selfish person typically sees a relationship—whether sexual or platonic—as a chance to further their personal agenda. Everything in these abusive partnerships is given from one side and taken from the other, using the other people as stepping stones to reach a goal.
You feel entitled

Maybe you frequently feel entitled to other people’s time and efforts and expect to be treated differently, like you’re special. Selfish people, when they don’t get their own way, can often behave badly, straining relationships.
You give self-serving gifts

Giving a person a gift should be a selfless act. However, often, for selfish people, it’s completely the opposite. Think of a man who buys a boat for his wife’s birthday, knowing that she hates the water and wants a new bicycle. Now, the man has a boat, and his wife still has her crummy old bike. Who was that gift really for?
Not helping

As a society and individual communities, we should help one another. Where would we be if we didn’t? If you rarely offer to help others, especially when it is inconvenient for you, this might signal selfish tendencies. As Global News notes, “Selfish people sometimes fear or resent doing more for others because they feel it can impede their own needs”

As humans, we occasionally have to perform tedious or challenging duties. That’s called responsibility, and yes, it is boring. Selfish people want to avoid duties, particularly if they require a lot of work or have no payoff. They also may not accept responsibility for their actions and may blame others for their own failures to escape accountability.
No empathy

Do you think about how other people are feeling? According to Business Insider, selfish people frequently ignore the feelings of those around them since all that matters is how things affect them personally. Relationships with family and friends may suffer from this blatant lack of empathy once others see that their feelings don’t matter.
Your pants may be on fire… you liar

If you find yourself lying and manipulating others to get your own way, I’ve got bad news for you, son–you’re selfish. Selfish people twist the truth for their own gain, damaging trust and often ruining relationships beyond repair.

Selfish people tend to take other people for granted and are not inclined to express gratitude for their work. If you can’t acknowledge those who have been working hard or attempting to help, they may become demotivated and disheartened. They should be thanked for their contributions.
Not reliable

Do people expect you to do what you’ve said you will, or do they see you as unreliable? Selfish people are known to be unreliable because they will break agreements and pledges when doing so furthers their interests. Relationships with self-centered people become unstable because of this behavior, which damages trust.
Dominating conversations

Generally, a conversation is held between two or more people, with each person having something to say on the topic, whatever it may be. One person dominating conversations and frequently interrupting others can be a sign of self-centered behavior. If you frequently dominate conversations and interrupt people to direct focus to yourself, that’s rude as well as selfish.
Pushing boundaries and crossing lines

How well do you respect people’s boundaries? Selfish people frequently transcend boundaries in their personal and professional lives by prioritizing their needs over everyone else’s. As long as they get what they want, they are content to disregard the boundaries that others have established.

Celebrating your peers’ accomplishments boosts your own happiness and strengthens social ties. If you’re jealous of their success, you’re displaying selfish behavior, which weakens your relationships.
Conditional support

Selfish people might help others, but only if it suits their own interests. Their willingness to help depends on what they can gain, making their support unreliable. This can negatively affect relationships, as it becomes challenging to trust or establish clear boundaries with them.

Selfish people often seek the spotlight in conversations and social events because they crave attention and approval. This behavior can be frustrating for those around them, as their constant need for attention can drain others’ energy and be exhausting.
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