19 Things That Will Get on Your Nerves Once You Get Older

Written By Lisa Marley

It seems we might be a bit more tolerant of annoying behavior when we’re young, or perhaps we’re just more oblivious to our surroundings! As we get older, there are certain people and actions that become more annoying; here are 19 things that will start to bug you as you age.

People on Their Phones

Photo Credit: Hananeko_Studio/Shutterstock

The amount of time people spend on their phones is probably going to get worse before it gets better, making it harder to have quality face-to-face conversations. According to the BBC, the average amount of time people spend on their phones every day is 4.8 hours.

Loud Public Behavior

Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/shutterstock

Is there anything more annoying than someone talking loudly on their phone on a public train? Or listening to music without their headphones in? Some people have no awareness of how their behavior is disrupting others! These are the kinds of things that become even more annoying as you get older.

Young People Being Disrespectful

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

The older you get, the more life experience you have – but that doesn’t mean that young people will respect your advice! It’s an age-old issue that young people don’t have respect for their elders, and it’s only going to become more obvious to you as you age!

Inconsiderate Drivers

Photo Credit: Ruslan Huzau/Shutterstock

It seems that people are becoming more and more aggressive on the road, so it’s no surprise that inconsiderate drivers will start really getting on your nerves as you get older. Drivers will honk their horns at anything, including people walking slowly on a crosswalk – it’s enough to make your blood boil!

Overcrowded Spaces

Photo Credit: Cagkan Sayin/Shutterstock

HealthCentral explains that we’re more likely to start feeling anxious in crowds as we get older, so it’s no surprise that it’s more annoying when you have to deal with them! Overcrowded spaces can crop up everywhere, from packed public transport to long lines at the grocery store.

Poor Customer Service

Photo Credit: Eric Glenn/Shutterstock

As we age, it seems we get less tolerant of poor customer service. Of course, customer service has also been made worse by all the technology that businesses use instead of people, so expect to get even more irritated with automated systems as you get older.

Ignoring Basic Etiquette

Photo Credit: Dmytro Zinkevych/Shutterstock

You’ll probably find yourself getting annoyed with people who ignore public etiquette as you get older. This means you’ll start seething when people don’t give up their seats for people who need them or stand in groups that block a sidewalk or store entrances.

Rude Behavior

Photo Credit: Elnur/Shutterstock

It gets a lot harder to tolerate rude behavior as we get older – there’s just no excuse for people to behave so poorly! Get ready to be increasingly irked by people who push in line, don’t say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, and don’t apologize for their mistakes.

Selfish Behavior

Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

There’s nothing more irritating than everyone going around with a ‘me first’ attitude to everything – and it’s becoming more common. Now, I’m not saying that 100% of people are this way, but Fortune reckons we’re “living in an age of selfishness” like never before.

Noisy Neighborhoods

Photo Credit: antoniodiaz/Shutterstock

Although you might have once enjoyed going to loud house parties and not caring what the neighbors thought, it turns out – you’re the neighbor now! When you’re settling down for a nice early night, and the bass starts pumping from the house across the street, it’s natural to feel frustrated.

Vandalizing Community Spaces

Photo Credit: Mehaniq/Shutterstock

You’ll probably start to notice that you get increasingly annoyed by people’s lack of respect for community spaces. When you see someone littering in the park, you might even go up to them and ask them to pick it up – that’s the fearlessness that comes with age!

People Who Lack Empathy

Photo credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

People who lack empathy can be pretty self-centered; VeryWell Mind says that it’s common for them not to be able to see things from someone else’s perspective. As you get older, you might start to notice more often when people don’t offer to help those in need.

Poor Hygiene

Photo Credit: Alice Day/Shutterstock

Whilst you might have brushed off someone not wearing gloves in a deli when you were younger, this sort of behavior starts becoming inexcusable when you get old. You’ll probably start picking up on people’s poor hygiene all the time and doing what you can to avoid them.

Pushy Marketing

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

It’s gonna start becoming really obvious to you when businesses are using pushy marketing techniques – we’ve all grown up with marketing for long enough to sense when we’re getting sold to. That’s why companies who use lazy, pushy sales tactics will start getting on your nerves.

Unreliable Contractors

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Why is it so hard to get reliable contractors to work on our homes? If this isn’t a complaint you’ve already had in your life, it might be something you find yourself moaning about as you get older! One tip to avoid getting swindled is to avoid paying a large down payment on a project.

Less Face-to-Face Conversations

Photo Credit: Motortion Films/Shutterstock

If you value community spirit and remember a time when you had a great relationship with all your neighbors, you might start getting annoyed when all of your conversations with people start happening by text. Neighbors won’t drop by anymore, they’ll just use their phones instead.

Fake News

Photo Credit: Dikushin Dmitry/Shutterstock

It’s probably just going to keep getting easier for people to spread fake news online, which is going to get more and more annoying. Alarmingly, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology writes that fake news actually travels faster than real news on social media – so don’t get caught out!

Unnecessary Admin

Photo Credit: Minerva Studio/Shutterstock

The bureaucratic process is always a pain, and it only gets more irritating as you get older. There are forms for almost everything, from healthcare to Social Security, and they can take so long to fill out. As you get older, you don’t want to be wasting your time on boring admin.

People Not Taking Responsibility

Photo Credit: pixelheadphoto digitalskillet/Shutterstock

A lot of people don’t take responsibility for their actions, politicians and celebrities included, so don’t be surprised if you start picking up on these injustices a lot more often. It’s just one of those things that you start to notice as you get older, and boy, is it annoying!

Up Next: 17 Behaviors That Make People Think Less of You

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

If you want to be accepted by those around you, you have to behave in certain ways. Obviously, you should still be yourself, but there are certain social ‘rules’ people should abide by, like avoiding these 17 behaviors that make people think less of you.


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Photo Credit: Lestertair/Shutterstock

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Photo Credit: PERO studio/Shutterstock

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