18 Things We Were Taught About Old Age That Just Aren’t True

Written By Lisa Marley

We all get older, but many people try to resist old age. This is because there are still lots of misconceptions about aging that make it sound like a painful, frightening process. It’s time to dispel these myths. Here are 18 things we were taught about old age that just aren’t true.

There’s Nothing to Do

Photo Credit: DenisProduction.com/Shutterstock

Young people are famous for their thriving personal lives and fear losing them when they get old. However, it’s completely false that older people have nothing to do. After retiring, they’ve got plenty of free time to spend on their hobbies, social activities, family visits, and outings with friends.

You Feel Your Age

Photo Credit: Koldunov/Shutterstock

You might start to feel your age physically, but that has no bearing on how old you feel in your mind! The Atlantic even reports that most people feel 20% younger than their actual ages. You’re only as old as you feel; if you want to act young, don’t let age stop you!

Old People are Old-Fashioned

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

We’re all taught the same common stereotypes about elderly people: they’re rude, they hate modern society, and they prefer antiquated politics. However, it’s unfair to paint the whole group with the same brush. Some old people are very old-fashioned, but many are open-minded, respectful, and love modern culture.

You Need Less Sleep

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People think the older you get, the less you need to sleep. However, that’s not true at all. Older people need the same 7-9 hours of sleep as young people to rest their bodies fully. The only difference is that they usually go to bed and wake up earlier.

Old People are Miserable

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It’s a common misconception that we become more miserable as we age, so many people wrongly believe that old age destroys our personalities. But not all old people are bitter or angry; they’re just mocked due to that stereotype. Aging is a challenging process, but it doesn’t mean you’ll be miserable forever.

Your Body Will Fail

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It’s true that your body gets frailer with age, but it absolutely does not fail. If you eat a healthy diet, do regular light exercise, and seek medical advice for any worries, your body will stay active and able. Of course, there are some things you can’t do, but old age doesn’t destroy your body.

Intimacy Goes Away

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One of the most common myths we’re regularly taught about old age is that intimacy goes away. This misconception is untrue and offensive, implying that older people don’t need emotional connections. Psychology Today affirms that many people rediscover love and intimacy in old age, allowing them to keep leading fulfilled, happy lives.

All Elderly People are Lonely

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

The old age loneliness epidemic is a genuine problem that we need to solve, but not all elderly people are lonely. Many people are terrified of aging because they think their friends and families will completely abandon them, but that’s why it’s so crucial to maintain social connections throughout life.

Only Young People Understand Current Trends

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Young people are responsible for current trends, but older people aren’t technologically and culturally inept. In fact, many enjoy getting involved in current trends just as much. Take the slew of elderly people who’ve become famous on TikTok as an example. If society was more welcoming, we wouldn’t assume old people have no relatable interests.

Age Brings Knowledge

Photo Credit: fizkes/shutterstock

People think that the older we get, the more we should know, so they regularly expect too much from old people. And while aging does make us more worldly and teaches us new things, it doesn’t automatically mean we know everything. Elderly people are entitled to make mistakes just like anybody else.

There are No Social Opportunities

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

One reason people think elderly people are doomed to spend their lives alone is the common belief that they don’t socialize. Old age doesn’t force you to quit your hobbies or stop spending time with your friends, so older people have just as many social opportunities as young people.

You’ll Get Dementia

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Dementia is terrifying, and many people develop it as they age. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that dementia is not inevitable, and 40% of cases may be prevented or delayed. The problem is a lack of education about the disease and how to spot the signs.

Aging Makes You Less Attractive

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

It feels strange to watch yourself physically changing, but that’s the reality of getting older. We’re frequently taught that aging makes you less attractive, so many people are completely isolated by stereotypical beauty standards when they reach old age. It’s offensive and false to claim old people are unattractive, and this needs to change.

Old People Hate Young People

Photo Credit: pikselstock/Shutterstock

There’s an ongoing culture war between older people and young people, with people from both sides disliking and attacking the other. That’s why we’re taught that when we grow old, we hate the generations beneath us, but that’s not true. While some old people have issues with young people, there’s no collective hatred.

Retiring Makes You Rich

Photo Credit: OPOLJA/Shutterstock

We’re forced to work until old age, yet many people still believe that retiring makes you rich. When you retire, you get the money you’ve built up throughout your career, not unlimited wealth. Everybody works so they can retire one day, and we’re all entitled to our own hard-earned money.

Old People are Always Sick

Photo Credit: Viktoriia Hnatiuk/Shutterstock

Our immune systems weaken with age, so many people wrongly think that old age is a miserable time of life due to constant illnesses. Elderly people need to take extra precautions to avoid sickness, but we shouldn’t stereotype them as being constantly bedridden and afflicted when they lead perfectly normal lives.

Depression is Normal

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We’re taught that depression is a natural part of aging, even though the National Institute on Aging confirms that while it’s common, it’s certainly not normal. This scaremongering only makes society sweep the issue under the rug rather than fix it, which is detrimental to both young and old people.

There’s No Independence

Photo Credit: T.Den_Team/Shutterstock

We love our independence, so it’s unnerving to be told it goes away when we get old. While elderly people rely on others because they’re more physically limited, that doesn’t stop them from living whole lives. Older people are capable of being entirely independent, and asking for help occasionally doesn’t change that.

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