17 Things You Should Never Assume About Other People

Written By Lisa Marley

You know what they say about assuming something and embarrassing yourself. Really, you shouldn’t do it, but it’s hard not to. In certain situations, it’s very important to be careful though. Here are 17 things you should never assume about other people.

Financial status

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Appearances can be deceptive. A person’s outward appearance may not reflect their financial stability. Someone may be wearing expensive clothes and driving a nice car, but they could have a ton of debt that they may struggle to pay. Conversely, a person might wear rags and take public transportation but have a huge amount of savings.

Their Health

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Assumptions about health can be harmful or insensitive. Many people have hidden illnesses that are not immediately visible to those around them, such as fibromyalgia, lupus, Crohn’s disease, and many mental health disorders. According to Verywell Mind,” These can make it difficult for a person to live a full and productive life”. Anyone you meet may be struggling.

Political beliefs

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Generally, if you get along with a person and you have a lot in common with them, you may assume that they have the same political leanings as you do. However, many of us have learned the hard way that this is not the case. Politics can be divisive and sometimes are best avoided.


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There is a huge variety of religious beliefs and practices around the world, and no matter where you live these days, the person next to you might have completely different beliefs. You may assume you live in a predominantly Catholic community but discover that your neighbors are Muslim, Protestant, or even Buddhist. Assumptions can often be incorrect.

Level of education

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Traditional education routes, like college and educational courses, are just some of the paths to knowledge and success. Many people are hugely successful in careers that involve crafts or skills like woodworking or masonry. In a lot of cases, skills and experience are far more important than formal education and college degrees.

How they parent

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Parenting styles vary from family to family, and there is a wide range of effective parenting techniques, according to Mayo Clinic. What works for one family or one child might not work for another, and a lot of parenting is done at home so will not immediately be obvious in social situations.

Emotional state

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People often hide their true feelings. An optimistic person might be having a bad day but will still try to paint a smile so as not to bring others down. A smiling face doesn’t always mean happiness. If you want to know how someone truly is, you should ask rather than assume based on their outward demeanor.

Their Intentions

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A person’s actions can be easily misinterpreted, so it can be important to clarify their intentions directly if you are unsure instead of assuming. Sometimes, actions can have a different impact than the person intended, and you may assume that their intent was negative when, in fact, it was the opposite.

Sexual orientation

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How a person identifies and who they love is a deeply personal aspect of their identity. You should not assume someone’s sexual orientation based on stereotypes or cultural cues. Unless the information is obvious, or they divulge it to you, it’s really not your business anyway.

Experience with trauma

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Many people have past traumas, and these will usually not be visible or known to those around them. Therefore, it is important to treat everyone with sensitivity and inwardly acknowledge that many people face hidden challenges, such as anxiety and mood swings, notes Bolde. The assumption that everyone has led a trauma-free life may cause unintentional hurt to those around you.

Taste in music, books, or art

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They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and art is an example of that. An art piece that you love may not be everyone’s cup of tea, and that goes for music and literature, too. If you assume that a person will like something based on their age, gender, or background, you may be surprised. People’s interests often defy stereotypes.

Their knowledge of specific topics

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A person’s job is not their whole life; they may be versed in many other things, too. They may have a career or educational background in something but not know a huge amount about it and only focus on one specific aspect. Nobody knows everything, even if they seem like they do.

Satisfaction in life

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There’s a difference between surface-level happiness and deep contentment, and satisfaction can be influenced by many factors. You might assume that a person has it all–money, family, a nice house, and a good career. But they may have a life-long yearning to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and will not be satisfied until they do.

That they need advice

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When you assume someone needs advice and assume that you are the very person to give it, you can really cross a line, says Psych Central. Not everyone wants or needs advice, and you should respect their ability to request help if needed rather than preempting their autonomy because there is a big difference between offering advice and assuming someone needs it.

Appreciation for certain gestures or gifts

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You should never assume that a person wants something you think they need if they have never specifically expressed that they want it. Everyone has individual preferences and different likes and dislikes, as well as different cultural practices. If you want to give a person something, it’s important to learn what individual people appreciate

Marital Status

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Wearing a ring or not doesn’t always indicate someone’s marital status. Some people don’t like to wear jewelry, and others can’t due to the nature of their work or other factors in their lives. Nowadays, there is also a lot of diversity in relationship structures, and assumptions about marriage can be outdated.

Their competence

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There is always a risk of underestimating people’s abilities when you assume their level of competence based on how you see them. A person dressed like a jock may be a math whizz (and is probably a jock too). Someone wearing huge spectacles and always reading might be a tennis superstar or a roller derby champion.

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