Top 17 Reasons Men End Relationships with Women

Written By Lisa Marley

When “he’s just not that into you” doesn’t help you understand why the man in your life ended things with you, here are 17 reasons why men decide that the relationship is no longer for them.

Loss of Trust

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There are many ways in which trust can be lost within a relationship. Psychology Today suggests that ‘the personality trait most associated with relationship success is… agreeableness’. When promises are broken and standards slip, it can be extremely detrimental to the feelings of trust and security that once existed, potentially leading to the connection falling apart.

Lack of Communication

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The same goes for both parties, but when a man feels as though he is not able to get through to his partner in terms of his or her needs, it can lead to misunderstandings. When difficult topics need to be addressed, and they aren’t, there will be a build-up of unresolved issues that can eventually become too overwhelming.

Different Life Goals

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When two people first meet, it’s amazing to feel that they share similar lifestyle choices and aspirations. Unfortunately, people change, and often, the direction that they see themselves going in no longer aligns with that of their partners. This can be where they want to live, their personal ambitions, or their financial goals.

Constant Conflict

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Nobody enjoys tension in their romantic relationship, but to some degree, it is healthy to disagree with your partner and find the strength to compromise. Neglecting this can create high levels of stress for those involved, especially when they can no longer agree on fundamental values.

Lack of Support

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Men feel comfort in seeking emotional support from everyone in their lives, but especially the woman that they love. If there is an absence of understanding during challenging times or an unsatisfactory level of encouragement, it can be very disheartening. From a different perspective, when men feel as though they are the sole support system, they may feel burdened.

Need for Independence

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For relationships to be a success, there needs to be a balance between depending on your partner and being self-sufficient. If a man feels as though he has no breathing space, is being restricted or controlled, or has no time to pursue his personal interests, he may end the relationship to regain control over his life.

Changes in Physical Attraction

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It’s well known that in relationships, looks do matter, but they aren’t everything when it comes to intimacy. According to PsychCentral, ‘men tend to rate physical attractiveness as more critical in a potential mate than women.’ This tells us that men are more likely to end a relationship if the physicality of their partner changes.

Poor Handling of Jealousy

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A little bit of jealousy is perfectly normal in a partnership, and it shows that you hold your other half in high regard. However, when it becomes excessive, it can develop into controlling behavior. When men feel as though they are getting constant accusations and are unable to give effective reassurance, everything will go up in flames.

Lack of Shared Interests

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When a couple first starts dating, it can be common for people to get carried away with the feeling and overlook what their normal day-to-day lives will look like. Interests and hobbies that are incompatible make it tricky to find activities to do together and may lead to a disconnect from each other’s worlds.

Unrealistic Expectations

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Disappointment usually starts when expectations are set too high for a partner. It’s great that you can see their potential, but it is unhealthy to expect them to live up to it. Those who feel they are struggling to maintain an ideal image of themselves may see their relationship as too much work.


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The effects of infidelity on an otherwise committed partnership can be complex. Marriage outlines the long-term psychological effects as ‘persistent feelings of insecurity, reduced self-worth, and difficulty trusting others.’ While it isn’t uncommon for couples to overcome such events, if there is a lack of forgiveness, there will be no chance of reconciliation.


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If a man truly loves their partner, they will often shower them with all the effort and affection that they can offer – they won’t be shy about it. Over time, when a couple becomes complacent, that effort can end up being one-sided and eventually will lead to feelings of unappreciation from the consistent giver.

Emotional Disconnect

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It’s a hard pill to swallow, but a man will tend to leave a relationship when he no longer feels any love or affection for a woman. This can be because of a prolonged lack of intimacy, feeling more platonic than romantic, or growing apart due to changing interests and mindsets.

Financial Disagreements

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Sharing finances in a partnership is a way for people to gain security and comfort with money. However, it can also be a source of tension, especially when there are conflicting views on spending habits and the desire to save or budget. There may also be a mismatch surrounding personal economic circumstances, which can become awkward unless discussed openly.

Differences in Family Dynamics

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Everyone wants to be adored by their partner’s family, and this can sometimes even be a dealbreaker. If it isn’t working out or the in-laws have too high expectations, it can put a lot of pressure on the relationship. Men who are family-orientated find it difficult to be with someone who doesn’t mesh well with their nearest and dearest.

Cultural or Religious Differences

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Merging two different cultural traditions or religious values requires a lot of understanding and compromise; otherwise, conflict could be on the cards. Men who have been raised with certain expectations to withhold a certain way of life will end a relationship if they feel a strain from resistance or external judgment.

Excessive Control or Dependency

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Verywell Health describes the signs of control as constant criticism, isolation, and manipulation. However, these are just to name a few, there can be many ways in which controlling behavior materializes. It can create unbalanced dynamics, and an unhealthy level of dependency can lead to men feeling trapped.

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