19 Toxic Habits You Might Be Unaware You Have

Written By Lisa Marley

We all have habits, but sometimes, the ones that harm us the most can go unnoticed. It’s easy to overlook the little things we do every day that might be holding us back.  Here are 19 common but toxic habits that might be flying under your radar.

Not Getting Enough Sleep

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Staying up late might seem like a good idea, but not getting enough sleep can be unhealthy. Psychology Today points out that not sleeping enough can even affect your judgment. When you don’t sleep, your mood and energy levels suffer.

Always Saying Yes

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Do you find yourself always saying yes to everything? Being helpful is great, but not when it leaves you stressed. It’s okay to say no sometimes, especially if it helps you take better care of yourself, but every time you say yes to something you don’t want, you’re saying no to your happiness.

Scrolling Through Social Media All Day

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If you’re always on your phone scrolling through social media, you might be missing out on the world around you. This can make you feel removed from life and even slightly disappointed about your achievements. Try to set times for social media and spend plenty of time in the real world.

Skipping Breakfast

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Skipping breakfast can leave you feeling low on energy and can mess with your metabolism. Eating a healthy breakfast gives you a boost and can help you make better food choices throughout the day, so try to start your day with something small and simple.

Overthinking Everything

Photo Credit: Olha Nosova/Shutterstock

Do you find yourself overthinking everything? Forbes warns that this habit is unproductive and contributes to stress, which can stop you from enjoying life. Stepping back and seeing everything how it really is can help in this area. Keeping a check on your thoughts so they don’t run away is a vital part of not overthinking.

Always Being Late

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Being late might not seem like a big deal, but it can stress you out and upset others. Try to give yourself plenty of time to get ready. Being on time shows respect for people and can help you feel more relaxed and calm.

Holding Grudges

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Holding onto anger and keeping a grudge hurts more than just the person you’re mad at—it hurts you, too. It leads to resentment, says Hoplit, so remember, forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting; it’s about letting it go so you can move forward. Life feels lighter when you’re not carrying around bitterness.

Always Planning for the Worst

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It’s nice to be prepared, but always planning and expecting the worst can make you miss out on the good things in your life. Try to mix being careful and worrying with having hope and being happy. Sometimes, things turn out better than you think, and all that worry is in vain.

Ignoring Your Health

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Ignoring signs that your body needs help, like pain or excess tiredness, is a bad idea. Paying attention to your health is super important, as small problems can become big ones if you ignore them. Take care of your body; it’s the only one you’ve got.

Not Drinking Enough Water

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Not drinking enough water can make you feel really dehydrated, leading to headaches and tiredness. Make sure you’re drinking enough water every day—it’s good for your whole body, helps you feel revitalized, and can even help you think more clearly.

Spending Too Much Money

Photo Credit: Dobo Kristian/Shutterstock

Spending more money than you have can lead to debt problems, which can be really stressful. If at all possible, try to live within your means and save a little for unexpected expenses. Managing your money carefully can give you a good sense of security.

Waiting for the Perfect Moment

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If you wait for the perfect moment to do something, you might never do it. Sometimes, good enough is good enough. There’s no point in waiting for perfection; you will wait forever, so start right where you are with what you have.

Eating Too Much Junk Food

Photo Credit: Flotsam/Shutterstock

Eating too much junk food is easy, but it’s not good for you. Try to add more fruits, vegetables, and whole foods into your diet wherever possible. These are better for your health and can actually make you feel healthier and good about yourself, too.

Always Assuming the Worst in People

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If you always assume the worst in people, you might be building walls instead of building bridges. Try to give people the benefit of the doubt, as most people aren’t really out to get you, and believing and seeing the best in others can lead to better relationships.

Always Blaming Others

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If you’re always blaming others for your problems, you might be missing a chance to become self-aware. PsychCentral says that this habit can also make you feel guilty. Taking responsibility for your own actions can help you learn about yourself and move forward, taking the first step towards fixing them.

Comparing Yourself to Others

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Comparing yourself to others can steal your happiness. Everyone’s journey is different. Try to spend time focusing on your own life and celebrating your own successes without comparing them to others, no matter how small they may seem.

Always Staying in Your Comfort Zone

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

Staying in your comfort zone might feel safe, but it doesn’t help you grow. Try new things, meet new people, step right out of that comfort zone, and push yourself a bit. You might be surprised at what you can do and what new things you find to enjoy.

Ignoring Your Feelings

Photo Credit: Just Life/Shutterstock

Ignoring your feelings can lead to stress and unhappiness. It’s important to listen to your feelings and deal with your emotions. Talking to a friend, writing it down, or finding another healthy outlet, such as therapy, can help you make sense of your emotions.

Keeping Yourself Busy All the Time

Photo Credit: Gorodenkoff/Shutterstock

Being busy all the time can make you feel burnt out. Take some time to relax, just be in the moment, and enjoy life for what it is. Try to find happiness in the small things because, sometimes, the best thing you can do is nothing at all.