18 Traits Of A Person Who Doesn’t Care What Anyone Thinks Of Them

Written By Lisa Marley

When someone does what they want without feeling the judgment of society on their backs, it is more than obvious that they don’t care what others think of them. How free must they feel, right? Here are 18 of those traits that these people have!

Unapologetic Self-Expression

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People who don’t care what others think about them feel free to express themselves without holding back, regardless of the topic at hand. They know they can always be themselves. Hack Spirit backs this up by suggesting that they are not interested in saving face but in speaking their mind.


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Someone who knows their own self-worth also knows how they do and don’t want people to treat them in their lives. They establish healthy boundaries in all of their relationships and make sure that those around them are aware of them.


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To be authentic means to be your true self without holding back or hiding parts of your personality. A person who isn’t afraid of being who they are will show all aspects of themselves without any hesitation or fear of rejection.


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Living with intention and purpose is the only way to live if you ask them. They set goals that align with their views to avoid any inner conflict from creeping up. As they are not swayed by the expectations of other people, they can wholeheartedly pursue their goals without shame holding them back.


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Independence comes along hand-in-hand with someone who is comfortable with themselves. As they are more self-reliant, they are happier to trust their own decision-making abilities and follow them through. They tend to do what feels right for them without taking the opinions of others into account.


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A person who marches to the beat of their own drum is somebody that is comfortable being them. They are less likely to cave to social pressures to fit in and are not easily swayed by trends. As Susie Moore rightly puts it, “They aren’t afraid to say no.”


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People who are happy with who they are almost never need any external validation in order to feel good about themselves, as they are able to do so on their own. Their sense of self-worth comes from within, not from the comments or behaviors of other people.


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Whilst they have strong beliefs and ideas, they are also more open to considering different perspectives and ideas. They are more than willing to listen to what somebody else has to say without feeling attacked or threatened.


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Even though they are highly independent, they are still very empathetic. They understand the feelings and concerns of those around them and treat them with kindness and understanding.


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These people don’t get stopped by setbacks. They get knocked down, and they get right back up again. Confident people take failures in their stride and are able to handle them with grace and determination rather than focusing on what went wrong and torturing themselves for it.


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Even though they are confident and know what they are doing, a person who is at ease with themselves still remains humble. They are able to recognize that they are still a work in progress and accept criticism as long as it helps them progress.


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A person who is sure of themselves faces life head-on with courage, states New Trade U. They go into things without fear of failure or judgment, giving the situation at hand only their best shot without thinking about anything else, knowing that if they fail, then at least they will learn.


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A person who doesn’t care what other people think of them recognizes that self-love is one of the most important things in life. They even prioritize it, putting first their own physical, emotional, and mental well-being.


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A person who is confident is able to accept change and embrace it instead of using all of their energy to fight against it. New experiences and challenges are a warm welcome for them, as they are forever looking for opportunities that allow them to grow.


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Staying present in the moment is a key trait of people who are at ease with themselves. They stay grounded, choosing to stay in the present moment instead of dwelling in the past or over-focusing on the future. They are acutely aware of what they can control and let go of what they can’t.


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These types of people value honesty and integrity from others in all aspects of their lives, as it is something that they display themselves. They always speak the truth, even if it isn’t the easiest thing to do. Everything they do is based on living with integrity and transparency. According to Forbes, they only say yes if they really mean it.


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Happy people do not beat themselves up over a past error. They’ve learned to forgive themselves, as everybody makes mistakes. Instead of dwelling on past wrongs, they move forward, using what they learned from the mistake to avoid repeating it in the future.


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Optimism might as well be their middle name. They always choose to have a positive outlook on life and try to seek out the silver lining to every situation. Optimism is the tool they use to overcome situations that they might find themselves in.

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Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

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