17 Traits of People Who Actually Prefer Being Alone

Written By Lisa Marley

Some people aren’t as outgoing as others and often get more satisfaction out of being alone than spending time with friends or family. This isn’t them being rude; it’s simply what they prefer. Here are 17 traits of people who actually prefer being alone.


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Introverts often find social interactions to be draining and prefer to engage in solo activities. Declan Herald reports that “scientists found that the brains of introverts don’t pay much attention to human faces, a reason why they prefer to remain alone while their socially outgoing counterparts love the company of others.”

Highly Independent

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People who prefer to be alone are often highly independent. They don’t require help or support from others, as they’re capable of doing it themselves. They also never request advice from people, as they have developed self-confidence in their own decision-making.

Value Time

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Those who prefer to be alone often do so because they highly value their time. They may see socializing as unproductive and a waste of time. Instead, they may prefer to spend time on activities that will help with personal growth, which will add value to their lives.

Are Self-Reliant

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These people tend to be very self-reliant. They don’t need financial or emotional support from family or friends, even when times get tough. They develop strong coping mechanisms to deal with and overcome highly stressful situations. They choose a positive mindset to help find solutions.

Deep Thinkers

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Due to spending large amounts of time alone, they tend to be deep thinkers. They have fewer distractions than more sociable people, which allows them to go to greater depths when reflecting on life. They often use their alone time to set personal or professional goals.

Prefer Peace and Quiet

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Those who want to be alone are often like that because they prefer peace and quiet. As Geediting suggests, they love enjoying a quiet cup of coffee or watching the sunset. Social or crowded environments can often feel overwhelming, so they’ll try to avoid these situations and seek quiet places that allow them to relax.

Hate Small Talk

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If you start small talk with someone and they don’t give you much back, it’s likely they prefer to be alone. Small talk doesn’t stimulate them mentally, and they’ll try to avoid environments where it may arise. Instead, they like to have deep, meaningful interactions, even with strangers.

Work Best Alone

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People who prefer to be alone often work best independently, as they’re not used to interacting with others. They may struggle to consider other people’s views. Instead, they like tasks that require independent thought, where they can focus on their work without any interruptions.

Socially Awkward

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According to HelpGuide, “many of us are shy and socially introverted. We feel awkward around unfamiliar people, unsure of what to say, or worried about what others might think of us.” Being in social environments can be out of their comfort zone, as they feel much more relaxed in their own company.

Have Many Hobbies and Passions

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You may find people who prefer to be on their own will often have many hobbies and passions they pursue. They have a sense of fulfillment in exploring new activities and learning new skills. These hobbies and passions are a way for them to stay engaged.

Highly Sensitive

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Those who prefer to be alone can often be highly sensitive. They spend large periods alone to avoid overwhelming situations. They can be deeply affected by the emotions of those around them, and they prefer alone time to focus solely on their own emotions and thoughts.

Enjoy Their Own Company

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This may be a more obvious trait, but they actually enjoy their own company. They rarely feel loneliness like others can and instead feel content on their own. Being alone is a time to relax for them, and they will engage in self-care activities.

Have Strong Intuition

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People who are very intuitive often prefer spending time alone. They use their intuition to make important decisions, such as staying away from environments that don’t serve them. They can often sense the intentions of others, and if they aren’t genuine, they prefer to avoid those people altogether.


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Spending a lot of time alone gives you many opportunities to reflect on yourself. This often leads people to develop a strong sense of self-awareness, which allows people to fully understand their strengths and weaknesses and make informed decisions about self-development.


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A surprising trait for some is that people who prefer to spend time alone are very compassionate. They can be highly empathetic, understand others’ emotions, and want to help them through their struggles. This often means they spend time alone to recharge so they can be present for others.


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Newtraderu highlights that people who enjoy solitude often have a strong curiosity and desire for self-improvement. They seek satisfaction in researching and discovering new ideas on their own.

Strong Moral Compass

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People who often have a strong moral compass can be those who prefer to spend more time alone. They spend time reflecting and becoming self-aware, which gives them a strong understanding of what is right and wrong. They choose to engage with the world at their own pace and will only socialize when they want to.

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