19 Traits of Someone Who Isn’t Actually a Good Person

Written By Dave Spencer

Some people are genuinely nice, but others like to portray or say that they are nice. There are some obvious signs that might indicate someone isn’t as nice as they seem. Keep an eye out for these 19 traits.

They Talk Bad About Others

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When someone always talks badly about other people, it’s a red flag. If you notice someone always saying mean things or spending time gossiping, be careful. Nice people don’t make a habit of putting others down; it’s important to remember that if they do it about others, they will do it about you.

They Show No Regret

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A person who shows no regret after hurting others lacks a moral compass. Healthline says bad people don’t care who they hurt. Regret and a feeling of guilt after being the cause of someone’s unhappiness or problems are normal and healthy. When someone lacks this ability, it is a sign that they are not a good person.

They Don’t Listen

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Have you ever talked to someone who just doesn’t listen? They might nod their head, but they’re not paying attention to anything that is coming out of your mouth. Good listeners care about what others have to say. If someone ignores what you’re saying, they might not be as kind-hearted as you think.

They Only Care About Themselves

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It’s not hard to spot someone who only cares about themselves. They might talk only about their own problems or achievements and never ask about yours, so if someone continuously doesn’t show interest in others and focuses only on themselves, that’s not a good sign.

They Use People

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A person who uses people for their own benefit isn’t really a good friend. If someone is friendly only when they need something from you, watch out. True friends are there for each other all the time, not just when it’s convenient for them to be.

They Are Rude to Others

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How someone treats others is a big telltale of their character. If you see someone being rude to waitstaff, cashiers, or indeed anyone in service, it’s time to think twice about them. Good people respect everyone, no matter their job or status.

They Are Inconsistent

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If you can’t predict how someone will act, and feel constantly as though you need to walk on eggshells to keep them happy, it might be because they’re inconsistent in their reactions. Psych2go suggests that people who are good hearted want others to feel at ease in their presence.

They Don’t Keep Promises

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If someone breaks promises, it shows they can’t be trusted; keeping your word is a basic part of being a decent person. Everyone can make this mistake from time to time for genuine reasons, but If they continuously fail to follow through on what they say, their character might be in question.

They Are Always Late

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Being late all the time doesn’t always mean someone is bad at managing time. It can also show they don’t respect other people’s time. If someone consistently shows up late without a good reason, they clearly do not care about how their actions affect others.

They Have No Long-Term Friends

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If someone has no long-term friends, ask yourself why; generally, people who are truly nice tend to keep friends for a long time because they treat them well and with respect. No lasting friendships probably means they have some hidden issues.

They Are Quick to Anger

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A quick temper can be a sign of other, deeper issues. If someone gets angry and loses their temper over small things, it can be stressful and upsetting to be around them. Good people try to stay calm and solve problems without losing their temper.

They Don’t Apologize

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If someone can’t say sorry when they’ve done something wrong, that’s not a good sign. Apologizing shows the responsibility to accept you have made a mistake. Someone who never admits they are wrong can’t be relied on; any issues you run into within your friendship will be laid fully at your door.

They Manipulate Situations

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Watch out for people who twist situations to their advantage. Honesty is a key trait only possessed by good people. If you notice someone often manipulating people or bending the truth to fit their own agenda, proceed with caution.

They Lack Empathy

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Not caring about others’ feelings is a major warning sign. Global English Editing says that while everyone can show this trait, if it’s consistent, it denotes a bigger problem. If someone seems indifferent about what others are going through, they aren’t a good person.

They Lie Often

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Lying regularly is a clear indicator that someone cannot be trusted. People lie for a multitude of reasons, some of them even noble. While small lies might seem harmless, they can add up and lead to bigger trust issues.

They Have a Sense of Entitlement

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When someone acts like the world owes them everything, it’s hard to be around them. Behaving in a superior way, like they deserve everything for nothing, coupled with a sense of entitlement, can make someone demanding and difficult to please.

They Hold Grudges

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Holding onto anger and not forgiving people can poison any relationship. It festers and causes deep-seated bitterness, resentment, and anger, which is never going to be a healthy basis for any friendship. Good people know how to let go and move forward without holding grudges.

They Are Quick to Blame Others

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Some people always find someone else to blame for their mistakes; they do not take any blame on their own shoulders, regardless of whether or not they were in the wrong. Daily Mail states owning up is a sign of a decent person. It’s important to be around people who can accept when they’re at fault.

They Are Obsessed With Appearances

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Caring too much about how everything looks rather than how things are can be a sign of being completely superficial. A good person would never gloss over serious issues just to save face; they care more about what’s real and true.

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