17 Traits That Make Someone Uncomfortable to Be With

Written By Lisa Marley

Some people are just hard to be around as they can make things very uncomfortable. If a person has a habit of making you feel bad when you spend time with them, they may be exhibiting one of these 17 traits.

Overbearing nature

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An overbearing demeanor can suppress the voices, opinions, and contributions of others in conversation, making interactions one-sided. This can make relationships uncomfortable, and the imbalance of power can lead to people feeling undervalued and insignificant. As Psych Central points out, at some point, the relationship might have to come to an end.

Passive-aggressive attitude

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Passive-aggressive remarks and indirect communication can confuse and frustrate others and lead to uncomfortable interactions, as there is a disconnect between what that person says and what he or she does. The underlying hostility in passive-aggressive behavior can make personal and professional relationships strained and uncomfortable.


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Excessive clinginess can stem from dependency issues, which need to be dealt with as they place undue emotional burdens on others. When a person is too clingy, this can make other people feel trapped, drained, or even suffocated by the relationship. It can also make people eager to escape relationships.

Overstepping boundaries

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A disregard towards personal boundaries by asking overly personal questions or invading physical space can make interactions highly uncomfortable. This invasive behavior is disrespectful of privacy and shows an indifference toward the feelings of others. It’s important to respect others’ privacy if we want to maintain healthy, comfortable relationships.

A negative outlook

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Constant negativity from just one person can drain a whole lot of energy and bring down the mood of everyone in a group setting. A continuous pessimistic outlook on life can have long-lasting negative effects on both group dynamics and individual relationships.

A competitive nature

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Turning every interaction into a competition can be exhausting for other people who are usually just trying to have a good day. This over-competitiveness can strain relationships, especially if it leads to constant comparisons and one-upmanship. As some of you may have thought, if one person always has to be the winner, does that make everyone else losers?

Not listening

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Failing to listen to what others are saying and ignoring their input can lead to misunderstandings and make other people feel unimportant and unheard. When one person dominates conversations without giving others a chance to speak, this stifles reciprocal communication.

Non-stop complaining

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Continually complaining about every little thing can create a toxic atmosphere, and the persistent negativity can end up pushing people away. Having to be around someone who constantly complains can feel like a heavy emotional burden to other people who generally have a good outlook on life.

Inappropriate humor

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It’s important to read the room when you’re trying to be funny in a group setting. Understanding the audience and context of conversations before making jokes can help to avoid discomfort and even arguments, as jokes that target sensitive topics or demographics can offend and alienate others.


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This is a trait that can make others feel devalued and inadequate, creating an uncomfortable environment for everyone. Nobody wants to be around someone who has a superiority complex. Being arrogant helps nobody, as an arrogant person’s lack of empathy and understanding can lead to social isolation for them also.


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A resistance to change in thoughts and actions can frustrate others, especially in situations that require adaptability. Expressing the need to be controlling and having a rigid approach to opinions and life can make others feel restricted and uneasy.

Unreliable nature

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If a person is unreliable, consistently breaking promises or failing to follow through on commitments, it causes discomfort and instability for other people, which is thoroughly unfair. This kind of unreliable behavior gradually erodes trust, making relationships unstable and uncomfortable.


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A judgmental attitude toward people’s lifestyles and criticism of their choices can lead to discomfort and even alienation. This sense of moral superiority in judgmental people can intimidate others and push them away.

Emotionally volatile

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Emotional volatility can make it extremely difficult to relax around someone, as others may feel they need to walk on eggshells to avoid triggering an unpredictable negative reaction. This kind of unpredictable behavior can cause a lot of tension and anxiety in social situations, especially in private relationships.

Always criticizing

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Excessive criticism can undermine other people’s confidence and self-esteem, making them feel like they are constantly being judged. Continuous criticism like this can create a defensive environment where open, honest, and comfortable communication is impossible.


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Gossiping is always seen in a negative light. Spreading rumors can lead others to distrust the gossiper and feel wary of sharing their personal information. Gossiping can damage reputations and relationships, and it can lead to social discomfort and exclusion.

Poor hygiene

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Poor personal hygiene can physically repel other people and create discomfort and embarrassment in close interactions. Nobody wants to tell someone they are smelly, but they don’t want to be around that person either. Neglecting personal hygiene can have negative social implications, too, as it affects ideas of professionalism, intelligence, and reliability.

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Photo Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock

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